The IMPACT Project
Cultural Arts Center
Dothan, AL
Donations accepted at the door,
Pay what you can!


The IMPACT Project is in its 4th year and is designed to provide an opportunity for performing artists to create, perform and promote their original artistic works in a safe and creative environment. It is our hope that the IMPACT Project will invite its audiences to broaden their perspectives as to what art can be and allow our performers to impact the lives of its audiences in a profound way through dance, theatre, music, poetry, movement and storytelling.
We invite all performance groups or individuals from all over the Southeast to join us. All artists who wish to participate must apply on our website, to be considered for the project. The process is simple and $15.00 to register. The application will provide the ADW Board of Directors an understanding of the nature of the work each artist wishes to perform. A video submission is recommended to understand the caliber of each artist or company’s works. The applications are considered by the meaning and description of the work as well as the concept that is being presented. Professional, collegiate, freelance artists and student groups are all invited to submit.
Alabama Dance Works is a 501c-3 non-profit professional dance company whose mission is to transform the lives of it’s students and audiences through high-quality dance education, performance, and community engagement. With this event, it is truly the community connection we seek to build through our inspiring performances and it is completely free to the public. Contributions will be accepted at the event.
In order to keep ADW’s commitment to education at the forefront, master workshop classes in dance and theatre arts will be offered Saturday July 27th. A detailed master class listing will be made available in July.